About The Band » Comments

Dovilė ir Povilas

We always preferred to hear Jazz music during our wedding. We were very satisfied with our choice. The musicians were vivacious, professional and empathetic. Our guests also were pleased with our choice. Thank you for a great time. There would be no doubt what to choose for the second wedding if we ever  would have to choose! Dovile and Povilas

Janis Retenais

3.Starptautiskais Diksilendu festivāls ir noslēdzies. Sajūtas – duālas, liekas, ka mājas darbu ar savu kolēģi un festivāla finanšu direktoru Armandu Leimani bijām paveikuši godam, bet ir lietas kuras ir neizskaidrojamas mūsu platuma grādos…..
Jeb kurā gadījumā liels paldies visiem abu koncertu dalībniekiem – Diksilendiem „Sigulda“, „Sunny Groove Dixie“, „Sapņu komanda“, NBS Orķestra Diksilendam un PO „Lemisele“ kā arī viesiem „DixXband“ no Lietuvas un Brass Band no Čehijas. Paldies arī Armandam Leimanim par, nu jau, ilgadējo sadarbību, koncertu vadītājiem Jānim Kirmuškam un Edgaram Raginskim un protams visiem atbalstītājiem kā arī klausītājiem, kuri atnāca izbaudīt šī gada festivālu!
Un jācer, ka tiksimies pēc gada 4.starptautiskajā Diksilendu festivālā „Umurga 2015“

Franck Mossler


Dear friends musicians of Euro Jazz Festival 2007

It has been such an honor and a great pleasure for us to welcome you in Rueil Malmaison for these 5 days.

LIfe and the city seem to be so empty since you left, because you really gave us all your „joie de vivre“ and the pleasure you had to playing music.

We hope that, as we do, you keep a very nice souvenir of your stay in France for the Euro Jazz Festival and we wish you all the success you really deserve.

With my best and sincere regards,

Keep swinging,

Franck Mossler

Euro Jazz Festival Manager